Locating Hidden Assets
If your child isn’t receiving child support because of an absentee or a negligent parent, a child support investigator from Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations can help. Unfortunately, not all parents have their children’s best interest at heart—and some even go to great extremes to avoid paying. If you think your child’s mother or father should be paying but isn’t, contact us today. We promise to fight for your family in order to get you the child support assistance you deserve.
The Legal Dilemma
Our country’s legal system is inundated with child support cases due to the towering divorce rate. During the 2014 fiscal year, the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement served 16.3 million children and their parents, distributing a total of $26.8 billion in payments collected through the program. Indiana parents received a total of $556.6 million. Because the courts don’t have the time or the resources they need to thoroughly investigate every family’s circumstances, some families are left in unfair — and sometimes desperate — situations. Don’t let it be your yours.
Speak With a Child Support Investigator Today
How Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations Helps
At Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations, we understand how frustrating it can be when you’re not receiving the child support you need. If you believe that a deadbeat parent should be paying more, you can take action. Start fighting for your children by contacting Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations at (317) 313-7948 and getting a trustworthy and confidential child support investigator on your side. Our experienced professionals can help legally prove what you’re owed by doing the following investigative work:
- We can locate the address where the absentee parent lives and/or works.
- We can do an asset search and find any valuable property that the parent owns.
- We can assist in accurately calculating the child support payment and we’ll work with your attorney to assure that all assets are known for court.
If we prove that the absentee parent has an income or other valuable assets, you’ll be much more successful in getting the courts on your side.
While some child support assistance cases are relatively simple, others are more involved. The more complex cases normally involve a deceptive, deadbeat parent that does everything possible to get out of paying child support. We specialize in the following cases:
- Absentee parents often take jobs where they’re paid under the table so they don’t have a recordable income and are technically exempt from owing child support. We use our private investigation skills to find out if this is the case, and then present this evidence to the courts.
- Other cunning parents move frequently to avoid paying. We can reveal their hidden intentions for moving and fight for the money you deserve.
- Some parents take drastic measures by disappearing from the system or changing their names. We can use skip tracing to find these people and hold them accountable for what they owe.
You should have help paying child support, and you shouldn’t have to wait years — or even decades — to begin getting the money you need now.
Overpaying Parents
On the other hand, some parents are paying too much child support. Perhaps your income has decreased since the judge made his decision, and you should be paying less than you currently are. Or you might be overpaying because of a dishonest custodial parent. Unfortunately, some custodial parents demand an excess amount of money that they claim is “for their children,” but actually use it to support their own play-boy lifestyle. If you think you’re paying more than you should, Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations can begin a child support investigation to get the truth and try to remedy your unfair situation.
Speak With a Professional Today
Divorce Proceedings
Even if you’re parting with goodwill toward one another, your soon-to-be ex-spouse may not be completely honest about assets. Some people try to hide a second income, large investment, or other piece of property so they won’t have to share it. Divorce proceedings only happen once, and Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations can do some researching and investigating to make sure all of your ex-husband’s or ex-wife’s assets are acknowledged, and that you are treated fairly.
Whether you want to talk about divorce proceedings, child support overpayments, or a lack of child support assistance, we’re here to help. Trustworthy, confidential, and relentless in our quest for the truth, Certified Fraud & Forensic Investigations will fight for what your family deserves. Contact us today at (317) 313-7948 and we’ll inform you about our services and how they can support you.