We regularly receive phone calls from clients interested in gathering due diligence on investment companies and/or the people who work for these establishments. These clients understand that a business or investment background check is an invaluable precautions to identify risks to their potential investments. While we cannot eliminate 100% of the risk, we can provide plenty of data and relevant information for our clients to make prudent and informed decisions on who should be trusted with their personal finances.
If you’ve ever seen the documentary on CNBC, “American Greed”, you know how easy it is to trust and believe that your money is in the hands of honest broker, only to find out they had a checkered past riddled with similar dishonest dealings, bankruptcies, legal claims, or employment terminations that could have easily been discovered through a background check. Money laundering, Ponzi schemes, wire fraud…you just never know who you’re doing business with until you take a look at their past. Unfortunately, it only takes one bad decision to forever lose your retirement investment, your children’s school money, or even your house due to foreclosure. Putting your savings in the hands of the wrong person may jeopardize your lifestyle, thwart the inheritance you leave for your family, and take a significant toll on your emotional well-being. This is not to be taken lightly.
Our private investigators and fraud examiners have conducted background checks on several CEOs, CFOs and brokers for these companies that do nothing but handle other people’s money. Of course, no one knew that some of these employees have been guilty of numerous crimes. They don’t advertise these offenses on their company’s website or in their annual reports. As a matter of fact, in some situations, their employer isn’t even aware of their employees’ criminal past.
Wise men say fools rush in, so take your time and gather all the information you can to minimize the risk of losing your savings to fraud. It’s too important and too much is at stake. Contact us to discuss how our background check services might be able to help in your investment situation.